Frisbee Golf Tips

If you're looking to get better at Frisbee Golf, there are really only two things you need to do.

1. Develop good, smooth form
2. Throw the right discs for you
3. Practice (and make sure you are using the good form)

The tricky part is mastering the good form and technique. Here are some excellent clinics that will help you to develop proper form so you'll be prepared to quickly elevate your Frisbee Golf Game!

Clinics to help you develop good form:

Backhand Driving Tips

Forehand Driving Tips

Upshot/Approach Shot Tips

Putting Tips

Tips for choosing the right discs

This blog is dedicated to helping you find the right discs for your frisbee golf game. Click the links in the sidebar to see our recommendations for the best of each different type of discs. After trying a few of them, and learning how Frisbee golf flight ratings work, you will be able to find additional discs that fit your style and preference.

Tips for Practice

There are many different ways to practice Frisbee Golf, but here are a few of the favorite ones we have tried. The more quality reps you get in, the better you will get so maximizing time efficiency is the key to getting better fast.

1. Purchase Practice Discs. 
To get consistent discs, try and purchase them at the same time, from the same place and from the same company. Different "runs" of disc manufacturing make the disc flight surprisingly different. A Prodigy Practice bag is perfect for storage of backups and extra practice discs. Purchasing misprints and X-outs is a great way to get your practice frisbees for cheap.

2. Play rounds by yourself and throw multiple discs (at least on the drives) on every hole. On long wide open holes, throw every disc in your bag. For even more practice for your time, invest in a disc golf cart and fill it with multiples of the discs that work best for you. A Zuca Disc golf cart can hold up to 40 discs allowing you to have several identical discs to throw right after each other.

3. Throw discs at a soccer field.
Go to a wide open soccer or football field and practice throwing your all your discs from varying discs towards a goal post. Practice throwing putters and midranges from short distances and drivers from varying long distances. Avoid just trying to throw for distance as this often leads to poor form and injury. Find a target and practice throwing with smooth, good form.

4. Purchase a practice basket and practice putting.
The best way to improve your Frisbee golf score is to stop missing short putts. The best way to stop missing short putts is with repetition where you gain muscle memory and confidence. Once you have figured out a putter that you like, purchase 10 of them. For even more efficient putting practice, buy two practice baskets and throw back and forth. This saves extra time over a single practice basket as you don't have to unload the basket each time and walk back to your putt distance but can use the other basket as the holder as you putt to the other basket. Once you have the short distances down, move backwards.

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